5 Popular Sales Objections and How to Handle Them

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Dealing with sales objections can be a real headache—we’ve all been there!

But fear not, because with the right strategies and techniques, you can turn those objections into opportunities. In this article, we’ll explore effective ways to overcome common sales objections and close more deals. Let’s go over five common objections, why they pop up, and how you can tackle them head-on to smash your sales targets.

Sales Objection 1: “We’re good. We do this in-house.”

This objection is like a broken record in sales, no matter the industry. It’s an easy go-to for prospects to brush you off, not wanting to invest time in changing providers. But often, it’s not the whole story. “Good” is subjective. Your product or service might offer higher quality or solve problems better than what they’re used to. However, the prospect might not be aware of this. Another reason could be that your approach feels similar to your competition’s, making them see no unique “value” in talking further.

How to handle it? Don’t just accept the objection—it’s not the full picture! Start by understanding what “good” means to them. Instead of pushing why you’re better (just like your competition), ask questions to uncover their challenges with their current provider. This helps you see if these issues are significant enough for them to want a change. Lastly, demonstrate how your product or service can solve those problems, showing them the value you bring.

Sales Objection 2: “You’re all the same. Why should we buy from you?”

This objection circles back to the first one. The prospect sees you, their current provider, and your competitors as cut from the same cloth in terms of approach, service, and outcomes. The trick here is to stand out in your approach and break the prospect’s routine expectations and objections right from the get-go.

But let’s say you didn’t manage to differentiate your approach early on, and they throw this sales objection at you. What’s the plan now?

When they mention, “you’re all the same,” delve deeper into what they mean. They might start listing all the shortcomings of their current or past providers. This opens the door for you to discuss the challenges they’re facing and figure out if you can help solve those problems.

When they ask, “what makes you different?” avoid defending or justifying by showcasing all the great things your company offers. This is the same approach your competitors take, and the prospect has probably heard it countless times before. Instead, break their usual buying pattern by suggesting, “I’d love to delve into this. How about I share some of the problems we’ve helped companies solve, and you let me know if any of those resonate with your business? Then, we can decide if it’s worth continuing this discussion.” This shift focuses on solutions rather than just benefits.

Sales Objection 3: “I’m busy, just send me info and I’ll take a look at it.”

This sales objection is a classic. It’s usually the prospect’s way of politely saying, “I’m not really interested in what you’re offering and don’t want to talk further. So, instead of saying no outright, I’ll ask for information to wrap up the call.” A promising prospect is someone who agrees to schedule another discussion after receiving information. Others are essentially saying “no” politely and might not be the best fit for you to pursue.

How to handle it? Start by easing their resistance, saying, “Sure, I’d be happy to send you some info.” Then, mention that you have a lot of information available but you don’t want to overwhelm them or send irrelevant stuff.

Next, ask them what specific information they’re interested in and why. This might uncover issues or challenges they’re facing, where you could provide assistance. Finally, inquire about a suitable time for them to review the information you send. This helps gauge who genuinely needs your help and who’s just being courteous.

Sales Objection 4: “This isn’t a priority for us right now.”

Picture this: you’ve hustled to secure a meeting with the decision-makers at your dream sales prospect. You’ve invested time uncovering their challenges, presented solutions, and they seemed all set to go—until they drop the bombshell:

“We think you’re great, but we’ll hold off until later in the year. We’ll be in touch when the timing suits us better.”

Ouch, right? All that hard work seems to vanish into thin air. But why did this happen, and what’s the move from here?

This occurred because you didn’t create a sense of urgency. It turned from a “must solve” into a “maybe later” issue for them. Consider it like your own to-do list—urgent matters get tackled first, no matter what. This problem simply isn’t a big priority for them right now, or maybe ever.

So, what next? Approach it like this: ease any resistance, understand why urgency is lacking, and what their plan is while they postpone.

It might sound like, “Thanks for sharing that. (easing resistance) When you say you’ll wait, could you explain why and what made you choose this? (gaining clarity) What if this challenge isn’t resolved? Is that something you’re comfortable with?” (what happens if the issue persists)

The key in sales objections is realizing that what they say isn’t always the real problem. Stay composed, reduce resistance, ask probing questions, and uncover the actual issue. Once you do, you can show why your product or service is the perfect fit for them.

Sales Objection 5: “Your product or service costs too much.”

Let’s debunk this common objection right off the bat: Price isn’t the real issue. Let me emphasize that again: Price isn’t the real issue. The underlying problem might be that the prospect doesn’t perceive the value in paying your price to solve their issues, or they might be struggling to allocate the budget for it. If they can’t afford it, they might not be the best fit for your offering.

Your aim here is to figure out which scenario you’re dealing with when they mention “your price is too high.” The easiest way is to dig deeper and seek clarification from your prospect. Ask them to elaborate on their pricing concerns.

Timing is crucial with this objection. Are they bringing this up when you present your quote/proposal/RFP? If yes, it might mean you didn’t discuss potential pricing and fees beforehand. Start having those conversations earlier in your sales process so that any price concerns can be addressed upfront, saving you time, effort, and resources on proposals that might not progress.


In conclusion, mastering the art of handling sales objections is a vital skill for any successful salesperson. By understanding the root causes of objections, empathizing with customers’ concerns, and employing persuasive techniques, you can navigate through objections with confidence and finesse.

Remember, objections are not roadblocks but rather stepping stones towards closing deals and building lasting relationships with your clients. With dedication and practice, you can transform objections into opportunities and propel your sales efforts to new heights. So, embrace the challenge, refine your approach, and watch as objections become mere speed bumps on your road to success.

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