Boost your sales and marketing efforts with human verified data

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In the world of sales and marketing, contact data plays a crucial role in reaching out to potential customers and driving business growth. Having accurate and up-to-date contact information is essential for successful sales and marketing campaigns.

However, with the rise of automated solutions, the reliability of contact data has become a concern. This is where human verified contact data comes into play, it ensures that the information is accurate and reliable, leading to higher conversion rates and more effective targeting.

Let;s take a look at what human verified data is and how it can drive your sales and marketing forward.

The importance of human verified contact data in sales and marketing

Accurate contact data is vital for sales and marketing teams to effectively reach their target audience. Without accurate information, businesses risk wasting time and resources on reaching out to the wrong prospects or missing out on potential leads. Verifying this data through a human provides a solution to this problem by ensuring that the information is as accurate as possible and always up-to-date.

Automated data solutions may seem convenient, but they often fall short when it comes to accuracy as they rely on algorithms and data scraping techniques, which can result in outdated or incorrect information. Human verified contact data, on the other hand, involves a manual verification process where each piece of information is checked and validated by a real person. 

This ensures that the data is reliable and trustworthy.

How human verification can improve your sales conversion rates

Human verified contact data has been proven to lead to higher conversion rates in sales and marketing campaigns. When sales teams have access to accurate contact information, they can target the right prospects more effectively. By reaching out to individuals who are genuinely interested in their products or services, sales teams can increase their chances of converting leads into customers.

Studies have shown that businesses that utilize human verification experience significant improvements in their conversion rates. For example, Slice, a pizza network company saw a 15% increase in their conversion rates after implementing human verified contact data into their sales process. By targeting the right prospects with accurate contact information, they were able to close more deals and generate more revenue.

Harnessing the power of accurate data for targeted marketing campaigns

Accurate contact data is essential for marketers to target their campaigns effectively. By having access to not just reliable contact information but also enough data points to personalize campaigns and messages, marketers can ensure that their messages reach the right audience at the right time. This leads to higher engagement rates and more successful marketing campaigns.

By understanding their target audience’s preferences and needs, marketers can create tailored campaigns that resonate with their prospects and can really dig deep and segment their audience and personalize their messages on a level incomparable to AI collected data. This level of personalization can significantly improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and drive higher conversion rates.

Human verification vs AI – what is more reliable?

Currently data verified by a person will always be more reliable than AI collected data.

When it comes to reliability and accuracy, human verified contact data outperforms automated solutions. While automated solutions may provide a quick and convenient way to gather contact information, they often lack the human touch needed to ensure accuracy. Human verification involves a manual process where each piece of contact information is checked and validated by a person, ensuring that it is correct and up-to-date.

Automated solutions rely on algorithms and data scraping techniques, which can often result in outdated or incorrect information due to certain databases not being updated regularly, and AI solutions don’t tend to have systems in place to double check accuracy. Additionally, these solutions may not be able to capture changes in contact information, such as a new email address or phone number. The process of human verification allows for the identification and correction of any inaccuracies or outdated information, ensuring that the data is reliable and trustworthy.

The impact of human verified contact data on lead generation and qualification

Data plays a crucial role in lead generation and qualification processes. By having access to reliable contact information, marketers can identify and target their ideal prospects more effectively. Ensuring data is correct and up-to-date is vital for marketers, especially in lead scoring and nurturing processes to prioritize and engage with the most promising leads. By understanding their target audience’s preferences and needs, businesses can tailor their messaging and approach to resonate with their prospects. 

This level of personalization can significantly improve the effectiveness of lead generation efforts and increase the chances of converting leads into customers.

For sales teams being able to identify decision-makers within organizations and gather relevant information about them is crucial. If a salesperson is allocated a series of targets and accounts, but is unable to reach contacts due to outdated information, it can slow down the entire process which results in less overall sales. Additionally, by providing deeper contact data points, sales teams can tailor their messaging and approach to resonate with decision-makers. This level of personalization can significantly improve the effectiveness of sales efforts and increase the chances of closing deals.

Human Verification – the cost effective solution

Whilst getting data verified by people as opposed to allowing AI to collect all the information, may require an investment upfront, it is ultimately more cost-effective compared to the potential costs of inaccurate data. Actually providing sales and marketing teams with data that is outdated, incorrect or not even reflective of the ICP ultimately becomes wasted time and resources on reaching out to the wrong prospects or missing out on potential leads. This results in lost opportunities and decreased ROI.

On the other hand, accurate contact data leads to higher conversion rates and more successful sales and marketing campaigns. By targeting the correct prospects with personalized messaging, businesses can increase their chances of closing deals and generating revenue. 

This ultimately leads to a higher ROI and a more cost-effective approach to sales and marketing.

Best practices for utilizing human verified contact data to maximize sales and marketing results

Let’s look at some best practices how you can integrate human verification to maximize your team’s results:

  1. Regularly verify and update contact data: Contact information can change frequently, so it’s important to regularly verify and update the data to ensure accuracy.
  2. Segment your audience: Use the contact data to segment your audience based on demographics, preferences, or behavior. This allows for more targeted messaging and higher engagement rates.
  3. Personalize your communications: Use the contact data to personalize your communications and offers to individual prospects or customers. 
  4. Integrate contact data with your CRM system: Integrate the contact data with your CRM system to ensure that it is easily accessible and up-to-date for your sales and marketing teams.
  5. Train your teams on the importance of accurate contact data: Educate your sales and marketing teams on the importance of accurate contact data and how it can impact their success. Provide training on how to effectively utilize the data in their campaigns.

In a perfect world, businesses would balance AI with human verification. However sometimes, especially for smaller businesses, this may be too costly. While automated AI solutions may seem convenient, they often fall short when it comes to accuracy. Businesses should prioritize the use of accurate contact data in their strategies to maximize their sales and marketing results and drive business growth

To find out more about how you can integrate human verification into your lead process – Get in touch today!

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